Christopher J. Coulson, MAHPP
About Dynamic Life Coaching™ (DLC)
Achievable life improvement
How does it feel?
How does it work?
Integrated theory
The ideal practitioner
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Fees & Ethics
DLC Personality Test
DLC Personality Test: Theory
About Dynamic Relationship Coaching™ (DRC)
Create thriving partnerships      
DRC PPA Predisposition Test
DRC PPA Test: Theory
About gifted individuals

Find out more about being gifted, creative and talented. Visit "The Gifted Way", my blog on all matters to do with gifted existence.

Gifted individuals & life coaching
Are you gifted?
The challenges of the gifted
Unique developmental needs
Special potential of the gifted
About my clients
A 'typical' successful client        
Example collaborations
Client testimonials
About myself
Preparation & Qualifications
Debra A. Benton's Q & A
Professional affiliations
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Dynamic Living™ eZine

"Dynamic Living™" is a monthly eZine designed to promote thoughtful self-development and reflection in your own life, your own way. Check out these back issues, and if you like them, subscribe by using the box in the navigation column on the left.

There's no charge.

March/April 2004

  • Discover how to turn times of conflict into opportunities for creative development. Learn about your own conflict style - and how you might modify to bring yourself and your partners greater personal success.

February 2004

  • Develop insight into the complex subject of trust. Learn to protect yourself against repeated betrayals and propogate trust-based growth in your own relationships.

January 2004

  • Enhance your emotional intelligence with some profound insights into the awareness and social interactions of highly gifted adults. By D. Lovecky Ph.D.

December 2003

  • A 12-step guide on how to buy the exact present for that most important person in your life.
  • Increase your personal power and success with this unusual and very practical approach to developing self-love.

November 2003

  • A quick look at a way to remind yourself that setting expectations and checking assumptions is a great way to sustain harmonious co-existence.
  • Discover the route to a prorectic way of life which will enrich your daily existence even as it opens your appetite for even more self-discovery.

October 2003

  • Take a deep look at the challenging goal of collaboration and see whether you can improve your relationships and your life.
  • Take the tests and see where you, your partner(s) and your organization stand in the collaboration stakes.

September 2003

  • Discover the super-sensitive being that is your organism.
  • Find out why recognizing and accepting your anger can be a major help in life: and how to achieve it.

August 2003

  • How to spot an authoritarian boss in time to protect yourself. How to understand them and even make them work for you.
  • A look at the workplace and how to build an uninspiring work-for-hire job into a fufilling Life's-work life.

June/July 2003

  • How to tell whether a 'geographical cure' is likely to work or only postpone the inevitable.
  • A practical guide to love - or, rather, a guide to a practical approach to love. Includes an easy-to-apply formula for telling when you're in love, and how much or how little.

May 2003

  • The value of gaining insight into your partner, and a simple test to help.
  • The power of connections: how they can be conscious and unconscious; how they cannot ever be broken; and how to make sure you use them effectively.

April 2003

  • Why it's important to know your psychological type - and how to.
  • Understanding 'stupidity' and how to live with it without too much frustration.

March 2003

  • Inaugural issue
  • What is Dynamic Living?
  • How to use power effectively


Christopher J. Coulson


Toll-free (N. America): 1-866-761-1392
Freephone (UK): 0800-949-6030
Worldwide: +1-918-743-6673

Mailing Address:

1611 S. Utica Ave. #141,
Tulsa, OK 74104

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Copyright © 2001-2009 Christopher J. Coulson
Information on this web site may be viewed and downloaded free of charge by individuals seeking personal coaching. For all other uses of this web site, prior permission of Christopher J. Coulson is required.