Christopher J. Coulson, MAHPP
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DLC Personality Test
DRC PPA Predisposition Test
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DRC PPA Test: Theory
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The DRC Personal Predisposition Questionnaire

"Meeting is the beginning of parting"
Japanese proverb

The Dynamic Relationship Coaching Questionnaire that follows was devised by Daniel Eckstein Ph.D. and published as the "#1 Priority Questionnaire" in "The Family Journal", October 2002.

It is designed to help you and those you work and live with to understand your interactions more profoundly. It will reveal the way in which you are each predisposed to approach the world and the people in your life.

The order of priorities revealed by the questionnaire is unlikely to change much over your lifetime. However, the intensity and rigidity of their impact can be hugely modified through Dynamic Relationship Coaching.

Take the test and have your partner(s) take the test as well. Then visit "DRC PPA Test: Background" for an explanation of your findings.

How to take the Questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of twenty personal statements. Use the drop-down box with each question to select your choice of how closely that statement applies to you. The scale runs from 0, not at all true, to 5, absolutely true.

When you've answered all the questions, hit the "Submit" button. A new page will appear with your results. Be sure to record these as your original answers will be lost during the calculation.

For each of the following pairs of statements, indicate which you find most accurately describes your view, and to what extent.

DRC Personal Predisposition Questionnaire


How true is this of you?
0 = not at all true; 5 =completely true

0 - 5
I would typically describe myself as being an easygoing person
I would describe myself as being a considerate person
There are actors and there are reactors; I describe myself as an action-oriented actor rather than a more passive reactor
I consider myself to be quite knowledgable in many areas of my life
It is important for me to avoid stress whenever possible
I often volunteer for projects
I have often been described as a 'back seat driver'
I frequently feel overwhelmed, overresponsible, and/or overinvolved in various activities in our home
I 'play it safe' rather than taking risks when the outcome is in doubt
I get anxious when others do not approve of my actions
I have good organizational skills
Feeling unappreciated and unvalued are sources of stress for me
I seldom volunteer for a new project
l often withhold my true feelings if I think other people would disapprove of me
I avoid being humiliated whenever possible
Being viewed as competent is important to me
I mind my own business
I am good at knowing what other people want and need
I am more of a planner than a spontaneous person
I like being the winner in various games I play

If nothing happens after you press the 'Submit' button, it means the browser does not support the program. Sorry. It won't affect your system but you will have to head for "HOME".

I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you would like to explore the possibility that Dynamic Relationship Coaching may be of benefit to your love or work partnership, please email or call to schedule a free 30-minute 'phone discussion. My telephone numbers are listed below.

Christopher J. Coulson


Toll-free (N. America): 1-866-761-1392
Freephone (UK): 0800-949-6030
Worldwide: +1-918-743-6673

Mailing Address:

1611 S. Utica Ave #141,
Tulsa, 74104, USA

Privacy-protected email:
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